Unraveling Educational Standards

Triumphantly Unraveling Educational Standards

Feel Confused or Lost

Have you ever peered into the standards of your state and felt lost?

Wish there was someone adept at unraveling your educational standards.

Maybe you have looked at them, and understood them, but wondered how to work with them.

All standards, NGSS, STAR, and SOL are cloaked in terminology that is vague in some ways.

Virginia’s SOL’s: My Experience

In Virginia, we have the Standards of Learning. The state provides supplemental material to help with the decloaking process. But, it hasn’t always been that way.

When the SOLs were brand new, my first school division handed us the standards and said, in essence, “Teach to these.” “Huh?! WHAT?!” was a typical response. I knew it was mine. Over time as the administration knew more about what was going on, they “enlightened us”.

Over the years of teaching with those standards, the language and intent changed. It became a confusing mess. We were always asking for clarification, assistance…anything to help us get a handle on the standards.

Fortunately, we got help from instructional advisors to help us unravel the language and get down to the core concepts and meanings.

Breaking it down: the simplification process

I attended a webinar (hosted by EdWeb) recently. The presenter was Erik Francis. The title of his presentation was “Deconstructing Depth of Knowledge: A Method and Model for Deeper Teaching and Learning.”

Isn’t this what the standards are supposed to do?

At first, I was like “OK. Yeah, yeah.”

Continuing to watch and listen, I became VERY intrigued… inspired even. He accomplished what the presentation title said. But, he made understanding and implementing standards easy (or easier). I was amazed and cheering by the end of it.

[This webinar applies to all disciplines.]

I won’t say much more than this…

watch and listen for yourself!

I’m guessing you won’t be disappointed.

Are understanding standards confusing?


In the quest to navigate the intricate landscape of educational standards, the journey has been anything but straightforward. The evolving language and shifting interpretations over the years have left many educators scratching their heads.

However, fear not! The game-changing revelation comes in the form of Erik Francis’ webinar, “Deconstructing Depth of Knowledge: A Method and Model for Deeper Teaching and Learning.” This transformative presentation not only simplifies the often confusing world of standards but also makes the process of understanding and implementing them remarkably straightforward.

So, if you’ve ever felt lost in the maze of educational jargon, consider this webinar your beacon of clarity and inspiration. Bid farewell to confusion and embrace a newfound confidence in tackling those standards with ease. Here’s to making teaching and learning an even more rewarding journey!

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