Cloze Method of Note Taking

Cloze Method of Note Taking: the Power to Engage, Reflect, Learn

What is the Cloze Method of Note-Taking?

The Cloze Method is a common technique used to test a student’s reading and grammar comprehension and understanding. However, teachers can put this method to use when lecturing and giving notes.

When used in note-taking, the Cloze method is an important approach that involves creating gaps or blanks within a set of notes. It’s not about simplifying the content but engaging student activity in the learning process. So, students are left to fill in the missing information on their own or as the teacher lectures.

This method requires students to identify key concepts, and reinforce their understanding by carefully filling in the blanks, and actively interacting with the material (and the teacher). It’s a versatile tool that works well with many subjects and fosters a deeper understanding of complex ideas.

Advantages for Teachers and Students

For teachers, the Cloze Method offers a powerful means of promoting active engagement and understanding. By structuring notes with intentional gaps, you, the teacher, encourage students to interact with the material actively. This approach enables you to focus on the presentation. Students, in turn, have more time to think and reflect on the subject matter.

Also, the Cloze Method can be customized based on individual learning styles. Thus, it accommodates a wide range of students. For instance, it is particularly beneficial to ELL (English Language Learners) students.

In my science classes, I would regularly say that “science is a foreign language”. I based that on the fact that to understand the concepts, you need to understand the vocabulary. (And, science has its fair share of vocab.) The same is true in studying a foreign language.

ELL students are already struggling to adapt to a new language. Vocab is a major barrier. The Cloze Method can zero their attention on specific/keywords and phrases.

For any student, the advantages include: it’s easy to do, it enhances retention, and the process of carefully filling in blanks reinforces memory.

Creating Your Own

Creating effective Cloze notes involves thoughtful preparation. You can start by selecting the content to be covered and identifying key concepts. Then it is a matter of strategically choosing where to create blanks. Naturally, you must ensure they align with your learning objectives. The gaps/blanks should prompt students to think critically and actively engage with the material.

Considering the above, there is a balance to achieve the desired result. Too many blanks and students will often be confused. This may lead them to take on the mindset of “just fill them in.” This “too many” will take away the time needed for them to think and reflect. Too few blanks and you will cease to challenge them.

Again, like choosing when to use them, you need to consider how often to use them. The correct balance will, naturally, ensure the best understanding of content.

So, to use the Cloze Method effectively, the process requires a keen understanding of the subject matter and an ability to anticipate how students will interact with the notes.

Once the above is taken into consideration, there are many useful online tools to help you achieve your results (see additional resources at the end of this post).

When to and When Not to Use Them

Cloze notes are great when the learning objectives involve emphasizing key concepts, encouraging active engagement, and promoting deeper learning. They also work well for reviewing material, reinforcing memory, and fitting diverse learning styles.

However, there are situations where Cloze notes may not be the best fit. In case your teaching involves spontaneous interactive discussions, it doesn’t make much sense to use them. Also, if you find your students are just filling in the blanks or phrases or going through the motions, try something different. Introduce and have them use mind mapping, Doodle notes, or the Cornell Method. Spice things up!


In summary, the Cloze Method is a productive note-taking approach. It actively involves students in the learning process. The advantages for both teachers and students include increased engagement, ease of application, improved retention, and adaptability to many learning styles.

To create effective Cloze notes, teachers must thoughtfully select content, strategically place blanks/gaps, and provide context where needed. Knowing when to use Cloze notes depends on the learning objectives, content complexity, and the interactive nature of the lesson.

While this method may not be suitable for all times, places, or students, its versatility makes it a valuable tool in fostering a deeper and more interactive learning experience.

Additional Resources

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