Categories of Resources


You have to admit it. Really! What good is a science class without laboratory exercises? Right?

You can teach, talk and worksheet students over and over. But, what lasting, impactful benefit is all of this without hands-on activities or resources? Labs are the core of a science curriculum.

Labs enable students to “see” for themselves science in action; labs are great environments for building curiosity and instilling a love of science. They also are key settings to help students learn the skills of group work and team collaboration.

Yet, you don’t always have the time to organize and set up labs. With the conferences, meetings, grading, lesson plans…you feel swamped. “It would be nice to have something mapped out for me.” Sound familiar?

Check out the lab section of the store. I am sure you’ll find something you can use. And, rest assured, the labs resources include detailed teacher and student instructions. Most It’s Science labs use simple and/or readily available materials. Plus, many are adaptable for virtual AND classroom use!


You are always looking for review or reinforcement exercises to add to your teaching repertoire. Hey, you are a teacher who provides the best for your students.

It’s Science has a collection of activities that may be just what you want. There are many to choose from and others being added.

Check out the list below. (It’s growing day-by-day.)

  • Boom Cards
  • Coloring activities
  • Escape rooms
  • Task cards
  • Note colorings
  • Virtual Labs

Teacher Help

Need that little something to add an additional touch to your instruction?

We are all about helping you be the best at doing what you do – teaching. With all of the tasks you face on a given day, the last thing you need to be unprepared.

Let us help you!

Google slide presentations, note colorings, eBooks, and clipart graphics are a few of the ways we can support you in your journey to science excellence.



Do you use textbooks or e-texts? Maybe you have transitioned to slide presentations or other forms of presenting material. There are many methods to “get your material across”.

Are you working with students online or at home? In class, do some students roll their eyes when asked to read a passage, chapter or section and answer questions? Perhaps they just don’t understand what they are reading. “I need a simple means of getting this material across to my students”, you repeat for the umpteenth time.

It’s true that breaking these science concepts down is your forte. Yet, even when you explain a concept in a different way for the third time, some still don’t get it. Ever felt that frustrated? I have.

Wouldn’t it be nice to have an electronic text that takes the basic principles of an area and simplifies it? And, wouldn’t it be great if it used pictures/illustrations and simple language to get across the concepts?

The Physical Science Simplified & Illustrated series does just that making it ideal for class, online or home use.

Latest resource

Density, Mass, Volume Lesson - Slides, Lab, Activities

This product is your ultimate toolkit for teaching density, with six expertly crafted components to ensure your students grasp this critical concept.

This lesson is made up of 6 parts: an interactive slide presentation, set of student note pages, a checkup quiz, lab activity, a mystery word match review, and a 3 page final assessment.

Click below to find out more.

Need some help decorating your Classroom?

We’ve got 14 Science Concepts Posters for you. AND, they’re FREE!!

Click the image to learn more.

Want to take your lab day activities from OK to WOW?

We’ll show you how with our “4 Keys to an Outstanding Lab Experience” guide.

Have ideas for new resources? Let us know.