End-of-Year Frustration

End-of-Year Preparation and Organization

Well, you’re nearing the end of another school year. At this moment (springtime) many, if not all, of you are hustling. You’re preparing students for the upcoming state or standardized year-end test. Amidst the grading, last-minute lessons, projects, celebrations, and winding down, don’t forget the end-of-year preparation and organization.

I know, I know. “Next year?! Are you crazy? I’m ready to put this one behind me and move on to VACATION.”

I totally understand. You deserve all the vacation and time off you can get. But, next year will come around eventually. Why not end the year by putting in place a few strategies that will make the beginning of next year easier, better, and less stressful?

With that in mind, here are a few end-of-year preparation and organization tasks you can use during post-planning to ease the startup next year.

End-of-Year Helpful Tips


Go through all materials in your classroom and get rid of anything that you no longer need. This can include outdated textbooks, multiple copies of worksheets, broken supplies, or items that are no longer useful.

Organize supplies

Sort through your classroom supplies and lab equipment. Put them into labeled containers or drawers. This will make it easier to find what you need next year. If you are like me, as you plow through the year, lab equipment and other supplies can get jumbled up or scattered. Organizing will save you from situations like- “I know I have 10 spring scales, but I can only find six. Where did I put the other four?” Here is a link to a series of posts for getting things organized.

Pack up

Begin packing up items that won’t be needed until next year. Things such as bulletin board decorations or extra supplies. Label boxes clearly so that you know what’s inside when you return.

File paperwork

Organize any paperwork that needs to be saved for next year, such as lesson plans or student work samples. File them away in an organized manner so that they’re easy to find when you need them.

Check Inventory

Take inventory of class and science supplies and make a list of what needs to be restocked for the next school year.


Label items that belong to the classroom or school, such as textbooks or technology, to ensure they don’t get lost over the summer. You know this can happen during summer cleaning. So, label everything!

Secure it!

If you can lock it up (storage and/or filing cabinets), do it. Over the summer, with activities and room cleaning, things seem to find a way to “disappear”. While on this topic, if you are issued a school computer, and can take it with you, do that too. It will be safer with you than at school. Besides, you may need to check on something during the summer. Hey, just saying… it does happen.


As the school year wraps up and you find yourself knee-deep in grading, last-minute lessons, and project celebrations, the idea of thinking about next year might sound a bit crazy. I get it, you’re ready for that well-deserved vacation! But, let’s be real, next year is inevitable and a little end-of-year preparation will go a long way.

So, why not make your life easier when it rolls around? Amid the chaos, take a moment for some end-of-year prep and organization.

Start by decluttering your classroom, and tossing out those outdated textbooks and broken supplies. Organize your supplies and lab equipment so you’re not playing hide-and-seek next year. Pack up things you won’t need until then, label those boxes, and file away important paperwork like a pro. Don’t forget to check your inventory and make a restocking list for next year. Oh, and label everything – seriously, everything! And if it’s lockable, secure it!

Your sanity will thank you when you come back to a well-organized and stress-free classroom. So, wrap up this year with a plan, and let the vacation dreams commence!

[Check this article out for a few more thoughts.]

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